Mali ste niekedy pocit, že z vás nie je žiadny úžitok a nič, čo robíte nemá zmysel? Dobre... Viem, že nikto nemá rád depresívne témy, ale chcela som sa s vami podeliť o tom, ako som sa nedávno cítila. Život si užívam najviac ako sa dá, pretože nikdy nevieme, kedy sa skončí. Robím všetko preto, aby som nepremrhala dni, ktoré sú darom a neustále sa snažím napredovať a rozvíjať samú seba. Lenže občas prídu dni, kedy sa cítim naozaj pod psa. Určite to poznáte. Nemôže byť predsa každý deň slnečný, no aj keď máte pocit, že váš život je zakliaty búrkou, po každom daždi príde slnko. A preto nezúfajte, aj na vás sa raz usmeje.
Keďže som tretiačka na gymnáziu a o rok ma čaká maturita, som v štádiu, kedy je potrebné vybrať si to, čo chcem v živote naozaj robiť a čomu sa chcem venovať. Už nie je cesty späť, nemôžem si povedať, že mám ešte čas alebo na to nemyslieť a dúfať, že čas všetko vyrieši. Jednoducho sa musím rozhodnúť.
Vždy som túžila robiť niečo výnimočné. Mala som predstavy o tom, ako zmením tento svet k lepšiemu, ktoré v kútiku mojej duše stále sú. Od malička ma baví písanie, no nie vždy to bolo to, čo som chcela robiť. Chcela som byť umelkyňou. Chcela som navrhovať vlastné šaty, ktoré by nosili ľudia po celom svete. Chcela som byť maliarkou, ktorej obrazy by boli vystavované v tých najvyhľadávanejších galériách. Lenže ľudia okolo mňa začali veľmi rýchlo tieto moje predstavy búrať. Vraj je veľmi ťažké sa presadiť ako umelec a žiadna škola ti neprinesie také uplatnenie. Nahovorila som si, že je to pravda a mala by som skúsiť niečo iné. A tak som začala viac písať. Keď píšem, cítim sa, akoby neexistoval nikto iný iba ja a myšlienky, z ktorých sa postupne stáva príbeh. Rozhodla som sa, že budem študovať žurnalistiku. Dosť dlho som žila v tom, že je to naozaj to, čo budem robiť, pretože ma to skutočne baví a taktiež som si myslela, že je to celkom dobrý spôsob uživenia sa, takže nikto nemôže povedať, že je to zlá práca. Lenže, ako som prišla do tretieho ročníka, otvorila sa mi ďalšia krutá realita. Študovať žurnalistiku nemá zmysel. Vraj na to nepotrebujem školu. Vraj každý môže napísať článok. A vtedy sa to spustilo. Čo budem prepánajána robiť? Veď nič iné robiť neviem. Mohla by som byť doktorkou, no chémii nerozumiem. Mohla by som byť architektkou, ale pri mojich vedomostiach z fyziky, by budovy asi dlho nestáli.
Ľudia vám neustále hovoria: "Rob to čo miluješ.", "Choď za tým, čo ťa baví.", no potom príde na výber vysokej školy a zrazu nič nie je dobré. No naozaj je sedemnásť rokov vhodný vek na to, aby sme vedeli čo z nás bude? Prechádzame si mnohými vecami a sami nevieme kto sme. A preto si myslím, že je v poriadku nevedieť. Každý deň čelíme novým výzvam a ako teenageri sa musíme vysporiadať s toľkými pocitmi, že je normálne, ak nevieme, čo bude s nami o pár rokov. Veď nevieme ani, čo bude zajtra. Neskutočne obdivujem ľudí, ktorí od malička vedia, čo budú v živote robiť a pevne sa toho držia, no nie všetci sú takí. Ja taká nie som. Každý deň, chcem robiť niečo iné a verím, že nie som sama. Tieto myšlienky ma nedávno tak pohltili, že som nemala náladu nič robiť. Mala som pocit, že vlastne nič ani robiť neviem. A keď už toho bolo naozaj dosť, išla som sa prejsť, aby som aspoň na chvíľu myslela na niečo iné. Cestou som sa bola rozlúčiť s kamarátkou, ktorá odchádza do Anglicka. Nedokážem uveriť, ako veľmi mi to pomohlo a koľko energie do mňa dostala. Je skvelé mať okolo seba ľudí, ktorí vás milujú a podporujú nech sa deje čokoľvek. Odchádzala som od nej s omnoho lepšou náladou a s pocitom, že všetko je tak, ako má byť. Na prechádzku som zobrala aj svoj foťák, pretože som sa chcela odreagovať a za objektívom sa mi to naozaj podarilo. Na konci dňa, som bola opäť nasiaknutá pozitívnou energiou a netrápila sa nad tým, čo bude, pretože prítomnosť je to jediné, čo máme a musíme z nej ťažiť čo najviac.
Dúfam, že vám nevadí takýto typ článku, pretože je celkom iný, ako tie, ktoré zvyčajne píšem, ale chcela som sa vám zdôveriť a možno aj prijať nejaké rady. Ak prechádzate niečím podobným, alebo ste tým už prešli, prosím napíšte mi. Budem veľmi vďačná za každú odozvu <3
Have you ever felt that you are absolutely useless and everything you do is meaningless? Okay ... I know that nobody likes depressing topics but I wanted to share with you how I felt recently. I enjoy life as much as I can, because we never know when it will end. I do everything I can not to fool aaway the days which are a gifts and constantly try to advance and develop myself. But sometimes there are days when I feel downhearted. You sure know it. Sun cannot shine every day, but even if you feel your life is stormy, the sun will come after every rain. Therefore, don't worry, it will smile at you, too.
Since I am in a third grade at a grammar school and upper secondary school examination is awaiting me, I am in the stage when I need to choose what I really want to do in my life. There is no way back, I can't say that I still have time or don't think about it and hope that time will solve everything. I just have to decide.
I always wanted to do something special. I had ideas about how to change this world for the better which are still somewhere in the corner of my soul. I've been writing since I was little girl, but that's wasn't always what I wanted to do. I wanted to be an artist. I wanted to design my own clothes that would wear people around the world. I wanted to be a painter, whose paintings would be exposed in the most searched galleries. But the people around me have begun to blast these ideas very quickly. It's very difficult to assert yourself as an artist, and no school will be able to enforce you. I told myself that it'ss true and I should try something else. So I started writing more. When I write, I feel like there is no one else but me and the thoughts that make the story. I decided that I will study journalism. For a long time I've lived in this vision that it's really what I'm going to do because I really enjoy it and I also thought it was a pretty good way of earn living so nobody can say it's a bad job. But as I came to the third year, another cruel reality opened. Studying journalism doesn't make sense. They said I don't need school for it. They said everyone can write an article. And that's when it all started. What am I going to do? I can't do anything else. I could be a doctor, but I don't understand chemistry. I could be an architect, but in my knowledge of physics the buildings wouldn't stay for a long time.
People are constantly telling you: "Do what you love." "Go for what you enjoy." But then there is a choice of college and suddenly nothing is good. Is seventeen year age really right time to know what we're going to be? We go through many things and we still don't know who we are. And that's why I think it's okay not to know. Every day we face new challenges and as teenagers we have to deal with so many feelings that it's normal if we don't know what will be with us in a few years. We don't even know what will be tomorrow. I really admire people who know what they want to do in life since they were little kids and hold on to it, but not everyone is the same. I'm not the same. Everyday, I want to do something else and I believe I'm not alone. These thoughts have so swallowed me recently that I was in a really bad mood. I felt like there was nothing I could do either. And when it was really enough to me, I went for a walk to think of something else. On the way, I went say a goodbye o my friend who si going to England. I can't believe how much she helped me and how much energy she got into me. It's great to have people around you who love you and encourage you. I left her with a much better mood and the feeling that everything is the way it's supposed to be. I took my camera for a walk, because I wanted to relax and I really did behind the lens. At the end of the day, I was again soaked with positive energy and didn't worried about what will happeed, because the present is the only thing we have and we have to make the most of it.
I hope you do not mind this kind of article because it is quite different from the ones I usually write, but I wanted to confide to you and maybe take some advice. If you are passing throught something similar or have already experienced it, please write me about it. I'll be very grateful for every response <3
Have you ever felt that you are absolutely useless and everything you do is meaningless? Okay ... I know that nobody likes depressing topics but I wanted to share with you how I felt recently. I enjoy life as much as I can, because we never know when it will end. I do everything I can not to fool aaway the days which are a gifts and constantly try to advance and develop myself. But sometimes there are days when I feel downhearted. You sure know it. Sun cannot shine every day, but even if you feel your life is stormy, the sun will come after every rain. Therefore, don't worry, it will smile at you, too.
Since I am in a third grade at a grammar school and upper secondary school examination is awaiting me, I am in the stage when I need to choose what I really want to do in my life. There is no way back, I can't say that I still have time or don't think about it and hope that time will solve everything. I just have to decide.
I always wanted to do something special. I had ideas about how to change this world for the better which are still somewhere in the corner of my soul. I've been writing since I was little girl, but that's wasn't always what I wanted to do. I wanted to be an artist. I wanted to design my own clothes that would wear people around the world. I wanted to be a painter, whose paintings would be exposed in the most searched galleries. But the people around me have begun to blast these ideas very quickly. It's very difficult to assert yourself as an artist, and no school will be able to enforce you. I told myself that it'ss true and I should try something else. So I started writing more. When I write, I feel like there is no one else but me and the thoughts that make the story. I decided that I will study journalism. For a long time I've lived in this vision that it's really what I'm going to do because I really enjoy it and I also thought it was a pretty good way of earn living so nobody can say it's a bad job. But as I came to the third year, another cruel reality opened. Studying journalism doesn't make sense. They said I don't need school for it. They said everyone can write an article. And that's when it all started. What am I going to do? I can't do anything else. I could be a doctor, but I don't understand chemistry. I could be an architect, but in my knowledge of physics the buildings wouldn't stay for a long time.
People are constantly telling you: "Do what you love." "Go for what you enjoy." But then there is a choice of college and suddenly nothing is good. Is seventeen year age really right time to know what we're going to be? We go through many things and we still don't know who we are. And that's why I think it's okay not to know. Every day we face new challenges and as teenagers we have to deal with so many feelings that it's normal if we don't know what will be with us in a few years. We don't even know what will be tomorrow. I really admire people who know what they want to do in life since they were little kids and hold on to it, but not everyone is the same. I'm not the same. Everyday, I want to do something else and I believe I'm not alone. These thoughts have so swallowed me recently that I was in a really bad mood. I felt like there was nothing I could do either. And when it was really enough to me, I went for a walk to think of something else. On the way, I went say a goodbye o my friend who si going to England. I can't believe how much she helped me and how much energy she got into me. It's great to have people around you who love you and encourage you. I left her with a much better mood and the feeling that everything is the way it's supposed to be. I took my camera for a walk, because I wanted to relax and I really did behind the lens. At the end of the day, I was again soaked with positive energy and didn't worried about what will happeed, because the present is the only thing we have and we have to make the most of it.
I hope you do not mind this kind of article because it is quite different from the ones I usually write, but I wanted to confide to you and maybe take some advice. If you are passing throught something similar or have already experienced it, please write me about it. I'll be very grateful for every response <3
Píšeš naozaj nádherne a tento typ článkov skúšaj prosím častejšie. Úplne ťa chápem a prechádzam si totožnými veciami ale to si myslím že veľa mladých ľudí. Prajem ti v živote veľa šťastia a ja osobne sa riadim tým, že to čo sa má stať sa stane takže sa snažím chopiť sa každej príležitosti a čakať, čo z toho vznikne. Veľmi ma tento tvoj článok povzbudil a za to ti veľmi pekne ďakujem. Ešte raz veľa šťastia♥ :)
ReplyDeleteMňa zas povzbudil tvoj komentár! Ani si nevieš, predstaviť, aká som šťastná, že sa ti páčil tento článok. Trochu som sa bála ho uverejniť, no teraz viem, že to malo zmysel. Držím ti palce, aby si v živote spravila len správne rozhodnutia, aj keď nie vždy sa to dá <3 Ďakujem <3