Čaute všetci! Och, ako mi to chýbalo! Posledné 2 týždne boli skutočne bláznivé a hoci som sa naozaj snažila napísať aspoň krátky článok, nikdy naň nebol vhodný čas. Možno aj preto, lebo chcem aby bol každý môj článok premakaný a aby vás to bavilo čítať, no neprišla ku mne tá pravá inšpirácia. Lenže teraz konečne ležím na posteli v byte môjho strýka, pretože náš byt maľujeme a mám čas napísať poriadny článok. Bohužiaľ však netuším, kde mám polovicu svojich vecí a márne som sa snažila nájsť foťák, neviem kde je. Nemôžem vám teda ukázať fotky z dovolenky, ani napísať recenziu na najnovšie laky na nechty. V poslednom čase som však na Instagrame nachádzala kopec nových ľudí a stránok, ktorí ma inšpirovali a chcem sa o ne s vami podeliť. Nepotrebujem k tomu teda svoje fotky, nakoľko som ani jedného z nich nestretla (zatiaľ! :D). Všetko sú to ľudia, ktorí ma svojim spôsob inšpirovali, či už hudbou, jedlom, spôsobom života alebo jednoducho cool fotkami. Každý mesiac sa vám budem snažiť priniesť update o tom, čo sa mi za ten mesiac páčilo. Snáď sa vám bude táto nová téma páčiť. Ak máte aj vy niekoho koho obdivujete alebo sledujete, určite mi o ňom napíšte. Možno bude práve on v ďalšom článku Internet famous! :)
Hi everyone! Oh, how I missed this! The last 2 weeks have been crazy and although I really tried to write at least a short article, it's never been a good time. Maybe it was like that because I want every article to be sophisticated and you to enjoy reading it, but the real inspiration has not come to me. But now I'm finally lying on the bed in my uncle's apartment because our apartment is being painted and I have time to write a good article. Unfortunately, I don't know where I have half of my stuff and I tried hard to find a camera but I have no idea where it is. So I can't show you holiday photos or write a review of the latest nail polishes. In the last time, however, I found a bunch of new people and sites on Instagram that inspired me and want to share them with you. Accordly, I don't need my photos because I haven't met even one of them (yet :D). They are all people who inspired me in different way, whether by music, food, way of life or simply cool photos. Every month I'll try to bring you an update on what I liked that month. I hope you will like this new topic. If you have someone you admire or follow, please write me about it. Maybe he will be in the next article of Internet famous! :)
Anyone who is interested in blogging, fashion and Youtube will probably recognize Zoella. I have started to watch her vlogs a long time ago but I still absolutely love her. She is natural and she doesn't play at anything so it's not a surprise that now she has over 11 million subscribers at her Youtube channel. She is not afraid to show herself in front of the world without make-up and she perfectly understands teenagers, although she is 27 years old, has a longtime partner (by the way, also known as youtuber), a huge house and a dog (pug!!!!). She has just published the third book Girl Online, which is literally made for bloggers, as the main character has her own blog. Zoella moved herself into the book not only because she is also blogging but also suffers from panic attacks and lives in Brighton. Zoe also designed her own cosmetics and stylish home decorations. She makes one success after another and I'm sure she still will for a long time.
Od jednej blogerky prejdem hneď k ďalšej. Alyssu som objavila nedávno cez Youtube, hoci má pomerne málo odberateľov a len 6 videí. Viac ako jej videá sa mi však páči jej Instagram. OMG tie fotky!!! Každá jedna je umelecké dielo! Nedávno si založila aj blog, kde je už teraz množstvo článkov o móde, cestovaní a zdravom jedle. Aj preto ju mám tak rada, miluje vegánske jedlo!!! Vyštudovala umeleckú školu a zahrala si aj v niekoľkých filmoch a seriáloch (Unauthorized Saved By The Bell Story, Before I Fall, The High Jumping Witch). Jej priateľ Jordan Taylor Wright je tiež youtuber. Spolu si zahrali aj vo videoklipe k pesničke od The Chainsmokers - Closer.
From one blogger I'll go right to the next one. I recently discovered Alyssa via Youtube, although she has quite a few subscribers and only 6 videos. However, more than her videos I love her Instagram. OMG the pictures!!! Each one is an artwork! Recently, she has also started a blog where are already many articles about fashion, traveling and healthy foods. That's also why I love her so much, she loves vegan food !!! She graduated from the art school and starred in several films and series (Unauthorized Saved By The Bell Story, Before I Fall, The High Jumping Witch). Her boyfriend Jordan Taylor Wright is also a youtuber. Together they starred in the video of The Chainsmokers - Closer.
Another person who inspires me is Slovak Nikoleta, who is a vegan since October 2013, and is sharing her journey every day with her fans. She first started with blog where she was publishing her favourite recipes and then she made her own channel on Youtube, where she is very active. Her videos are really meaningful and this girl knows what she does. She still provides answers to questions about veganism, with which we have been meeting more and more often recently. She doesn't only add videos of vegan recipes, but she also likes to cram into deeper topics and perfectly defends her decision to become a vegan. She should be an example for all people because she really cares about violence against animals and is not afraid to talk about it. She has a real admiration for me!
I'll stay by Slovaks and especially by young singer, who break through just 2 years ago in talent show Czecho-Slovak Superstar. Although she is relatively short time on the music scene, she has made many successes. She was nominated in the shortlist of the OTO 2017 poll, she performed in slovak version of show Your Face Sounds Familiar, slovak shows Dobre vedieť, Milujem Slovensko and wrote two songs that have become hits in Slovak radios. I love her for her amazing style, talent, voice, naturalness and of course, Instagram! Just look at the photos! AWESOME !!!

If there were prizes for the best Instagram of lifestyle blogger Leonie would win. I needed only a small preview of her photos and knew I have to immediately give her follow. OMG! It's like a dream! Travel to the most sought-after destinations, dress up the most famous designers and drink almond milk latte every day, let's admit is something that wouldn't refuse any fashion maniac. And she's living this dream and even gets money for it. But I promise! Once, my site will look like her! So far, I'll just add some of her photos for inspiration.
Prize for the best Instagram of food blogger would go to Olia and her dog Cookie. Their blog was originated in 2012, when Oliva's daughter made an instagram page with her dog named "Pumpkin and Sunshine". Later she changed it to a simpler name "PS.NY". Olia was helping daughter with managing the site until she later took over it. Today she can be really proud of her great pictures to which she adds recipes with healthy meals and her lovely dog is posing before the camera.
Last but not least, I have a page that was created for shop Skinny Dip in England. I admit, I don't know how I found this page, but I absolutely fell in love with it. This store sells things from the fiction of the world. Handbags, backpacks, cosmetics, phone cases, jewelery, school supplies, headphones, as well as home decorations are all found in this store. All their things have a beautiful design, they are colorful and imaginative. It's a shame that they don't ship to Slovakia, so I can't buy their stuff. But maybe one day I'll get to England, where I then buy the whole store :-P
Hi everyone! Oh, how I missed this! The last 2 weeks have been crazy and although I really tried to write at least a short article, it's never been a good time. Maybe it was like that because I want every article to be sophisticated and you to enjoy reading it, but the real inspiration has not come to me. But now I'm finally lying on the bed in my uncle's apartment because our apartment is being painted and I have time to write a good article. Unfortunately, I don't know where I have half of my stuff and I tried hard to find a camera but I have no idea where it is. So I can't show you holiday photos or write a review of the latest nail polishes. In the last time, however, I found a bunch of new people and sites on Instagram that inspired me and want to share them with you. Accordly, I don't need my photos because I haven't met even one of them (yet :D). They are all people who inspired me in different way, whether by music, food, way of life or simply cool photos. Every month I'll try to bring you an update on what I liked that month. I hope you will like this new topic. If you have someone you admire or follow, please write me about it. Maybe he will be in the next article of Internet famous! :)
1. Zoe Sugg @zoella
Zoellu zrejme pozná, každý kto sa zaujíma o blogovanie, módu a Youtube. Sledujem ju už celú večnosť a absolútne ju zbožňujem. Je prirodzená, svojská a na nič sa nehrá, takže nečudo, že má na Youtube viac ako 11 miliónov sledovateľov. Nebojí sa ukázať pred celým svetom bez mejkapu a dokonale rozumie teenagerom, hoci má už 27 rokov, dlhoročného prieteľa (mimochodom, tiež známy youtuber ), obrovský dom a psa (mopsa!!!!). Nedávno vydala už tretiu knihu Girl online, ktorá je ako stvorená pre blogerky, keďže hlavná postava má svoj vlastný blog. Zoella sa doslova vžila do svojej hrdinky, nielen preto, že aj ona bloguje ale takisto trpí záchvatmi paniky a žije v Brightone. Zoella tiež navrhla vlastnú kozmetiku a štýlové dekorácie do domu. Žnie jeden úspech za druhým a som si istá, že dlho aj bude.Anyone who is interested in blogging, fashion and Youtube will probably recognize Zoella. I have started to watch her vlogs a long time ago but I still absolutely love her. She is natural and she doesn't play at anything so it's not a surprise that now she has over 11 million subscribers at her Youtube channel. She is not afraid to show herself in front of the world without make-up and she perfectly understands teenagers, although she is 27 years old, has a longtime partner (by the way, also known as youtuber), a huge house and a dog (pug!!!!). She has just published the third book Girl Online, which is literally made for bloggers, as the main character has her own blog. Zoella moved herself into the book not only because she is also blogging but also suffers from panic attacks and lives in Brighton. Zoe also designed her own cosmetics and stylish home decorations. She makes one success after another and I'm sure she still will for a long time.
2. Alyssa Lynch @alyssalynch
Od jednej blogerky prejdem hneď k ďalšej. Alyssu som objavila nedávno cez Youtube, hoci má pomerne málo odberateľov a len 6 videí. Viac ako jej videá sa mi však páči jej Instagram. OMG tie fotky!!! Každá jedna je umelecké dielo! Nedávno si založila aj blog, kde je už teraz množstvo článkov o móde, cestovaní a zdravom jedle. Aj preto ju mám tak rada, miluje vegánske jedlo!!! Vyštudovala umeleckú školu a zahrala si aj v niekoľkých filmoch a seriáloch (Unauthorized Saved By The Bell Story, Before I Fall, The High Jumping Witch). Jej priateľ Jordan Taylor Wright je tiež youtuber. Spolu si zahrali aj vo videoklipe k pesničke od The Chainsmokers - Closer.From one blogger I'll go right to the next one. I recently discovered Alyssa via Youtube, although she has quite a few subscribers and only 6 videos. However, more than her videos I love her Instagram. OMG the pictures!!! Each one is an artwork! Recently, she has also started a blog where are already many articles about fashion, traveling and healthy foods. That's also why I love her so much, she loves vegan food !!! She graduated from the art school and starred in several films and series (Unauthorized Saved By The Bell Story, Before I Fall, The High Jumping Witch). Her boyfriend Jordan Taylor Wright is also a youtuber. Together they starred in the video of The Chainsmokers - Closer.
3. Nikoleta @surovadcerka
Ďalšou osobou, ktorá ma inšpiruje je Slovenka Nikoleta, ktorá je vegánka od októbra 2013 a o svojej ceste sa dennodenne delí so svojimi fanúšikmi. Najskôr si založila blog, no neskôr aj svoj vlastný kanál na Youtube, kde je veľmi aktívna. Jej videá majú naozaj zmysel a toto dievča vie čo robí. Stále prináša odpovede na otázky o vegánstve, s ktorými sa v poslednej dobe stále častejšie stretávame. Nepridáva len videá s vegánskymi receptami, ale rada sa "špŕta" aj do hlbších tém a dokonale obhajuje svoje rozhodnutie stať sa vegánkou. Mala by byť príkladom pre všetkých ľudí, pretože ju skutočne trápi násilie páchané na zvieratách a nebojí sa o ňom hovoriť. Má u mňa skutočný obdiv!
4. Emma Drobná @emmadrobna
Ostanem pri Slovenkách a to pri mladučkej speváčke, ktorá prerazila len pred 2 rokmi v speváckej súťaži Československá SuperStar. Hoci je na hudobnej scéne pomerne krátko, má za sebou mnoho úspechov. Bola nominovaná v užšom výbere ankety OTO 2017, účinkovala v šou Tvoja tvár znie povedome, Dobre vedieť, Milujem Slovensko a naspievala 2 pesničky, ktoré sa stali hitmi v slovenských rádiách. Obľubujem ju pre jej úžasný štýl, talent, hlas, prirodzenosť a samozrejme Instagram! Len si pozrite tie fotky! ÚŽAS!!!
I'll stay by Slovaks and especially by young singer, who break through just 2 years ago in talent show Czecho-Slovak Superstar. Although she is relatively short time on the music scene, she has made many successes. She was nominated in the shortlist of the OTO 2017 poll, she performed in slovak version of show Your Face Sounds Familiar, slovak shows Dobre vedieť, Milujem Slovensko and wrote two songs that have become hits in Slovak radios. I love her for her amazing style, talent, voice, naturalness and of course, Instagram! Just look at the photos! AWESOME !!!

5. Leonie Hanne @ohhcouture
Ak by sa rozdávali ceny za najlepší Instgram lifestyle blogerky Leonie by to vyhrala. Stačil mi malý náhľad na jej fotky a hneď som jej dala follow. OMG! Veď to je sen! Cestovať po najvyhľadávanejších destináciách, obliekať si najznámejších návrhárov a každý deň piť almond milk latte je priznajme si niečo, čo by neodmietla ani jedna módna maniačka. A ona si tento sen plní a ešte jej za to aj platia. Ale sľubujem! Raz bude aj moja stránka vyzerať ako jej! Zatiaľ vám však len pridám niekoľko jej fotiek pre inšpiráciu.If there were prizes for the best Instagram of lifestyle blogger Leonie would win. I needed only a small preview of her photos and knew I have to immediately give her follow. OMG! It's like a dream! Travel to the most sought-after destinations, dress up the most famous designers and drink almond milk latte every day, let's admit is something that wouldn't refuse any fashion maniac. And she's living this dream and even gets money for it. But I promise! Once, my site will look like her! So far, I'll just add some of her photos for inspiration.
6. Olia @ps.ny
Cenu za najlepší Instagram food blogerky by som dala Olii a jej psovi Cookie. Ich blog vznikol v roku 2012, kedy Oliina dcéra založila instagramovú stránku s jej psom a nazvala ju "Pumpkin and Sunshine". Neskôr to zmenila na jednoduchší názov "PS.NY". Olia dcére pomáhala s riadením stránky, až neskôr túto stránku prebrala. Dnes sa môže pýšiť naozaj skvelými fotkami, ku ktorým pridáva recepty na zdravé jedlá a pred foťákom jej pózuje aj ich rozkošný psík.Prize for the best Instagram of food blogger would go to Olia and her dog Cookie. Their blog was originated in 2012, when Oliva's daughter made an instagram page with her dog named "Pumpkin and Sunshine". Later she changed it to a simpler name "PS.NY". Olia was helping daughter with managing the site until she later took over it. Today she can be really proud of her great pictures to which she adds recipes with healthy meals and her lovely dog is posing before the camera.
7. Skinny Dip @skinnydiplondon
Ako posledné mám pre vás stránku, ktorá vznikla pre obchod Skinny Dip v Anglicku. Priznám sa, netuším ako som túto stránku našla, ale jej veci som si absolútne zamilovala. Tento obchodík predáva veci od výmyslu sveta. Kabelky, ruksaky, kozmetiku, obaly na mobily, bižutériu, školské pomôcky, slúchadká, ale aj dekorácie do domu, to všetko nájdete v tomto obchode. Všetky ich veci majú krásny dizajn, sú farebné a nápadité. Len škoda, že nedopravujú na Slovensko, takže si ich veci nemôžem kúpiť. Snáď sa však raz dostanem do Anglicka, kde potom vykúpim celý obchod :-PLast but not least, I have a page that was created for shop Skinny Dip in England. I admit, I don't know how I found this page, but I absolutely fell in love with it. This store sells things from the fiction of the world. Handbags, backpacks, cosmetics, phone cases, jewelery, school supplies, headphones, as well as home decorations are all found in this store. All their things have a beautiful design, they are colorful and imaginative. It's a shame that they don't ship to Slovakia, so I can't buy their stuff. But maybe one day I'll get to England, where I then buy the whole store :-P
Zoellu mám taky hodně ráda :)
ReplyDeleteOna je super :)