Po dlhšom čase je tu opäť beauty článok, v ktorom vám napíšem o produktoch, ktoré som si tento mesiac obľúbila. Nie je ich veľa, pretože Jún bol pre mňa skutočne hektický a to nielen pre uzatváranie známok, ale aj odchod mojej sestry do Ameriky. Aj napriek tomu som si však našla zopár produktov, o ktorých sa dočítate v tomto článku. Aké produkty ste si zamilovali tento mesiac vy? :-)
After a long time, there is again a beauty article in which I write about the products I fell in love with this month. There isn't much of them, because June was really hectic to me, not just for stamping, but also for leaving my sister to the USA. Even so, I've found some products you'll read about in this article. What products did you fall in love with this month? :-)

After a long time, there is again a beauty article in which I write about the products I fell in love with this month. There isn't much of them, because June was really hectic to me, not just for stamping, but also for leaving my sister to the USA. Even so, I've found some products you'll read about in this article. What products did you fall in love with this month? :-)

Blusher & Highlighter Palette - H&M
Paletku od H&M som testovala dlhšiu dobu, pričom som ju raz používala, inokedy nie, a až teraz som si ju stopercentne osvojila. Zo začiatku ma odraďovali jej výrazné farby, ktoré príliš kričali na mojej bledej tvári, no postupne som prišla na svoj spôsob jej aplikovania a teraz si ju neviem vynachváliť. Najčastejšie používam highlighter, ktorý krásne zvýrazní a rozjasní pleť, no úžasný je aj light pink blusher, ktorý vyčarí svieži dievčenský look. Nevýhodou je však balenie, ktoré sa ľahko otvára, výsledkom čoho je zašpinená kozmetická taška, najmä v čase cestovania. Celkovo však túto paletku hodnotím pozitívne a v tomto mesiaci mi bola skutočne dobrým pomocníkom.
I've been testing the H & M palette for a long time, at which sometimes I used it, sometimes not, and now I've adopted it a hundred percent. From the beginning, it was detracting from its distinctive colors that screamed too much on my pale face, but I gradually came to its way of applying and now I can't compliment it enough. Most often I use a highlighter that highlights and brightens the skin, but amazing is also pink blusher, which conjures up a fresh girl's look. The disadvantage is however the packaging, which is easy to open, resulting in a dirty cosmetic bag, especially at travel time. Overall, I evaluate this palette positively and this month it was really a good helper.
I've been testing the H & M palette for a long time, at which sometimes I used it, sometimes not, and now I've adopted it a hundred percent. From the beginning, it was detracting from its distinctive colors that screamed too much on my pale face, but I gradually came to its way of applying and now I can't compliment it enough. Most often I use a highlighter that highlights and brightens the skin, but amazing is also pink blusher, which conjures up a fresh girl's look. The disadvantage is however the packaging, which is easy to open, resulting in a dirty cosmetic bag, especially at travel time. Overall, I evaluate this palette positively and this month it was really a good helper.
Matt Touch Blush - Essence
Výrobky od Essence mám rada, vzhľadom na ich nízku cenu, no nie vždy sú tieto produkty tak kvalitné ako by som chcela. Ich matná lícenka ma však skutočne potešila. Kolekcia Matt Touch Blush obsahuje tri výrobky: 10 peach me up!, 20 berry me up! a 30 rose me up!. Ja som si zvolila práve 30. pretože je zo všetkých najneutrálnejšia. Teraz, keď ešte nie som opálená, je perfektná ako náhrada za bronzer, pretože je jemná a ľahko splynie s pokožkou, pričom jej ale dodáva svieži a zdravý vzhľad. Páči sa mi aj jej jednoduché balenie, ktoré nezaberie veľa miesta. Ako všetky produkty od Essence, aj táto lícenka ma potešila svojou cenou nižšou ako 3€. V júni mi skutočne dobre poslúžila, no myslím, že v nasledujúcich letných mesiacoch dám prednosť bronzeru, ktorý vykúzli ozajstný letný look.
I like Essence products, because of their low price, but they aren't always as good as I want. However, their matte blush really pleased me. The Matt Touch Blush collection includes three products: 10 peach me up !, 20 berry me up! and 30 rose me up !. I chose 30 because it's the most neutral of all. Now that I'm not tanned yet, it's perfect as a replacement for a bronzer because it's soft and easy to blend with the skin, giving it a fresh and healthy look. I also like a simple packaging that doesn't take a lot of space. Like all Essence products, this blush also made me happy with a price of less than 3€. In June I really enjoyed it, but I think that in the following summer months I will prefer a bronzer that come up with a real summer look.
I like Essence products, because of their low price, but they aren't always as good as I want. However, their matte blush really pleased me. The Matt Touch Blush collection includes three products: 10 peach me up !, 20 berry me up! and 30 rose me up !. I chose 30 because it's the most neutral of all. Now that I'm not tanned yet, it's perfect as a replacement for a bronzer because it's soft and easy to blend with the skin, giving it a fresh and healthy look. I also like a simple packaging that doesn't take a lot of space. Like all Essence products, this blush also made me happy with a price of less than 3€. In June I really enjoyed it, but I think that in the following summer months I will prefer a bronzer that come up with a real summer look.
DUO Blusher - Dermacol
Musím sa priznať, že veľa farebných líceniek doma nevlastním, no túto od Dermacolu som si obľúbila hneď na prvý raz. Očarila ma jej farba, ktorá je perfektná na chladné jesenné dni, ale aj slnečné letné. Obsahuje tri farby, jednu svetlejšiu, druhú tmavšiu a tretia farba je mix. Môžete nimi vytvoriť, či už prirodzené, ale aj výrazné líčenie. Ľahko sa nanáša na štetec a na jej aplikáciu nepotrebujete veľa vrstiev, vďaka jej výbornej pigmentácii. Obal by mohol byť krajší, ale veľmi sa mi páči jej krajkovaný vzhľad. Cenovo je naozaj výhodná, dostať ju v obchodoch približne za 5€. Lícenku používam už naozaj dlhšiu dobu a som s ňou veľmi spokojná.
I have to admit that I don't own many color blushes at home, but I've fallen in love with this from Dermacol at the first sight. I was fascinated by the color that is perfect for the cold autumn days, but also for the sunny summer days. It contains three colors, one lighter, the other darker and a third color is a mix. You can create whether natural or striking look. It's easy to apply to the brush and you don't need many layers for its application due to its excellent pigmentation. The packaging could be nicer, but I really like its lacy look. The price is really good, getting it in stores for about 5€. I've been using this blush for a long time and I'm very happy with it.
Od líceniek prejdem na iný produkt, konkrétne na vodoodolnú ceruzku na obočie od Catrice. Už som bola zvyknutá na farby, ktoré sa nanášajú štetcom, takže ceruzka na obočie bola pre mňa zmena, ktorá sa ukázala ako dobrá voľba. Ceruzka obsahuje aj kefku, ktorou sa obočie ľahko učeše a vytvaruje do želaného tvaru. Je dostupná v troch odtieňoch: 010 light, 020 medium a 030 dark. Tenký 1,5 mm hrot je perfektný pre presné tvarovanie obočia. Má perfektný pigment, a obočie rýchlo zafarbí. V obchodoch je dostupný od 3€.
From the blushers, I go to another product, specifically waterproof eyebrow pencil by Catrice. I was used to colors which I put on by brush, so the eyebrow pencil was a change for me that proved to be a good choice. The pencil also contains a brush that makes the eyebrows easily trained and shaped into the whished shape. It is available in three shades: 010 light, 020 medium and 030 dark. A thin 1.5 mm tip is perfect for precise eyebrow shaping. It has a perfect pigment, and the eyebrow quickly stains. It is available in stores from 3 €.
Teraz ruku na srdce, ktorej z nás sa vždy chcelo umyť vlasy. Myslím, že každá sme zažili deň, kedy sa nám nechcelo vstať z postele, nieto ešte zmyť si hlavu. Práve v takýchto chvíľach mi je vhodným pomocníkom suchý šampón od Aussie. Milujem na ňom to, že vlasy sú po ňom dokonale svieže a ľahké a majú úžasný objem. Od ostatných sa líši nezávislým plážovým vzhľadom, ktorý vo vlasoch zanecháva. Vlasy sú pevné a príjemne voňavé. Taktiež ma očarilo krásne balenie, ktoré mi hneď udrelo do očí. Obrovskou výhodou je, že vydrží dlho, počas celého dňa. Výhodná je aj jeho cena, ktorá sa pohybuje v rozmedzí 4€. Vrelo odporúčam! :-)
Now a hand on the heart, which of us ladies always wanted to wash our hair. I think we've all experienced a day when we didn't want to get out of bed, not even wash the hair.. In days like these Dry shampoo by Aussie is a good helper. I love it because after its applying hair is perfectly fresh and light, and has amazing volume. From others, it differ in the independent beach look that leaves in the hair. The hair is firm and pleasantly fragrant. I was also surprised by the beautiful packaging that struck me immediately. The huge advantage is that it last all day long. It is also worth its price, which is in the range of 4€. I recommend it warmly! :-)
I have to admit that I don't own many color blushes at home, but I've fallen in love with this from Dermacol at the first sight. I was fascinated by the color that is perfect for the cold autumn days, but also for the sunny summer days. It contains three colors, one lighter, the other darker and a third color is a mix. You can create whether natural or striking look. It's easy to apply to the brush and you don't need many layers for its application due to its excellent pigmentation. The packaging could be nicer, but I really like its lacy look. The price is really good, getting it in stores for about 5€. I've been using this blush for a long time and I'm very happy with it.
Slim'Matic Ultra Precise Brow Pencil - Catrice Cosmetics
Od líceniek prejdem na iný produkt, konkrétne na vodoodolnú ceruzku na obočie od Catrice. Už som bola zvyknutá na farby, ktoré sa nanášajú štetcom, takže ceruzka na obočie bola pre mňa zmena, ktorá sa ukázala ako dobrá voľba. Ceruzka obsahuje aj kefku, ktorou sa obočie ľahko učeše a vytvaruje do želaného tvaru. Je dostupná v troch odtieňoch: 010 light, 020 medium a 030 dark. Tenký 1,5 mm hrot je perfektný pre presné tvarovanie obočia. Má perfektný pigment, a obočie rýchlo zafarbí. V obchodoch je dostupný od 3€.
From the blushers, I go to another product, specifically waterproof eyebrow pencil by Catrice. I was used to colors which I put on by brush, so the eyebrow pencil was a change for me that proved to be a good choice. The pencil also contains a brush that makes the eyebrows easily trained and shaped into the whished shape. It is available in three shades: 010 light, 020 medium and 030 dark. A thin 1.5 mm tip is perfect for precise eyebrow shaping. It has a perfect pigment, and the eyebrow quickly stains. It is available in stores from 3 €.
Beach Mate Dry Shampoo - Aussie
Teraz ruku na srdce, ktorej z nás sa vždy chcelo umyť vlasy. Myslím, že každá sme zažili deň, kedy sa nám nechcelo vstať z postele, nieto ešte zmyť si hlavu. Práve v takýchto chvíľach mi je vhodným pomocníkom suchý šampón od Aussie. Milujem na ňom to, že vlasy sú po ňom dokonale svieže a ľahké a majú úžasný objem. Od ostatných sa líši nezávislým plážovým vzhľadom, ktorý vo vlasoch zanecháva. Vlasy sú pevné a príjemne voňavé. Taktiež ma očarilo krásne balenie, ktoré mi hneď udrelo do očí. Obrovskou výhodou je, že vydrží dlho, počas celého dňa. Výhodná je aj jeho cena, ktorá sa pohybuje v rozmedzí 4€. Vrelo odporúčam! :-)
Now a hand on the heart, which of us ladies always wanted to wash our hair. I think we've all experienced a day when we didn't want to get out of bed, not even wash the hair.. In days like these Dry shampoo by Aussie is a good helper. I love it because after its applying hair is perfectly fresh and light, and has amazing volume. From others, it differ in the independent beach look that leaves in the hair. The hair is firm and pleasantly fragrant. I was also surprised by the beautiful packaging that struck me immediately. The huge advantage is that it last all day long. It is also worth its price, which is in the range of 4€. I recommend it warmly! :-)
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""There's more to life than hair but it's a good place to start." The Aussie Philosophy |
Páči sa mi paletka od HM, škoda, že v mojom meste HMko nie je, určite by som si ju šla kúpiť. Inak ma teší, že počujem chválu na Aussie suchý šampón. Z drogérkových značiek vlasovej kozmetiky je Aussie moja najobľúbenejšia značka, ale suchý šampón som zatiaľ neskúšala. Momentálne mám kúpený Batiste, ktorý je podľa mňa absolútne otrasný, nechápem ten hunbuk okolo neho. Nabudúce si už kúpim Aussie, dúfam že mi bude vyhovovať viac.
ReplyDeleteBatiste som zatiaľ nevyskúšala, ale s Aussie som stopercentne spokojná, takže ho určite odporúčam :-)
DeleteJá mám zkušenosti se suchým šamponem pouze od Batiste, ten mi vyhovuje. Plánuji ale vyzkoušet i jiné značky, takže Aussie určitě také vyzkouším :)
ReplyDeleteSnáď ti bude vyhovovať tak, ako mne! :-)
DeleteSuché šampony jsou dar z nebes! Sice nemám se značkou zkušenosti, ale oh lala, kolikrát jen mě dokázaly zachránit!
Moje slová! :-)
DeleteTen suchý šampón má fakt krásny obal, ja som skúšala už kopec suchých šampónov, ale tento od Aussie zatiaľ nie.
Určite ho skús, nebudeš ľutovať :-)