
  Tento rok som spolu so svojou rodinou strávila dovolenku na nádhernom gréckom ostrove Korfu. Čo sa týka ostrovov v Grécku, navštívila som už Zakynthos a Rodos, no Korfu sa mi zo všetkých páčil najviac. Možno to bolo aj preto, lebo tam bolo veľa zelene a príroda bola prenádherná.
  Nie nadarmo sa Korfu nazýva aj ako smaragdový ostrov.

This year, me and my family spent the holiday on the beautiful Greek island of Corfu. As to the islands of Greece, I have visited Rhodes and Zakynthos, but I liked Corfu most of all. Perhaps it was also because there was a lot of green and nature was wonderful. Not in vain is Corfu called as the emerald sea.

Cesta a prvý deň na ostrove

  Na ostrov sme odlietali letecky z Bratislavy o siedmej, a preto sme sa z bytu museli pohnúť už o jednej v noci. Snažila som sa predtým, ešte trochu vyspať no v meste bola búrka a ja som bola plná očakávaní. Nedostatkom spánku som však rozhodne netrpela, pretože som prespala celú cestu v aute. Na letisku sme prešli tradičnými kontrolami, naraňajkovali sme sa a čakali na lietadlo. Let prebehol hladko a ani sme sa nenazdali a boli sme v Grécku. Ako prvé nás ohromila obrovská zmena klímy. Vzduch bol horúci a všade bolo cítiť nádhernú vôňu mora. K lietadlu pre nás prišiel minibus, ktorí nás zaviezol priamo do miestnosti, kde sme si vyzdvihli kufre. Potom sme nasadli do riadneho autobusu a nechali sa odviezť do hotela. Aj túto cestu som prespala a zobudila sa až vtedy, keď sme vchádzali do nášho ubytovania. Náš hotel sa volal Messonghi Beach Hotel a nachádzal sa v oblasti, ktorá sa tiež nazývala Messonghi. Autobus nás priviezol priamo ku recepcii, kde sme museli chvíľu čakať na ubytovanie. Recepční nám povedali, že musíme čakať do druhej kým dostaneme izby, a tak sme sa išli poprechádzať po hoteli. Bol to vlastne rozľahlý hotelový komplex so štyrmi bazénmi, s troma barmi a s množstvom atrakcií ako napríklad volejbalový a tenisový kurt, stolný futbal, biliard, herňa pre deti a diskotéky pre dospelých. My sme sa samozrejme ako prvé vybrali hľadať more, ktoré bolo priamo pri hoteli. Dali sme si drinky, ktoré boli zadarmo a užívali sme si výhľad. O pol jednej sme išli na obed vo forme švédskych stolov. Mali tam všelijaké grécke špeciality, cestoviny, ryby, šaláty a všetko na čo si človek zmyslí. Súčasťou boli aj úžasné koláčiky a ovocie. Po obede sme si už išli pre kľúče. Dostali sme izbu na piatom poschodí s tým najkrajším výhľadom na svete. Z izby sme videli priamo na šíre more. Neskutočne sme sa potešili a začali vybaľovať veci. Potom sme sa dali do plaviek a išli sa kúpať. Zvyšok dňa sme strávili na pláži a pri bazénoch. Výborne sme sa navečerali, zahrali sme si karty a išli spať.

The fligh and the first day on the island

We departed by airplane from Bratislava at seven, so we had to go from the apartment about 1 p.m. . I tried to fall asleep before leaving but in my city was noisy storm and I was full of expectations. However, I definitely didn´t suffer with lack of sleeep because I slept all the way in the car. At the airport we went through necessary controls, had a breakfast and waited for the plane. Flight went smoothly and before we realized we were in Greece. Firstly we were impressed by huge climate change. The air was hot and it was felt beautiful smell of the sea everywhere. On the airport came a minibus, which took us straight to the room where we picked up bags. Then we went into our agency-bus and left a ride to the hotel. During the ride I was sleeping and woke up when we were entering into our accommodation. Our hotel was called Messonghi Beach Hotel and is located in an area which is also called Messonghi. The bus brought us directly in front of reception, where we had to wait a while for our accomodation. The receptionist told us that we must wait until we get keys, so we went to walk through the hotel. This was actually a hotel complex with four pools, three bars and a lot of attractions such as volleyball and tennis court, table football, billiards, children's playroom and a disco for adults. First of all we went to have look on the sea. We had drinks that were free and we enjoyed the view. About 1.30 p.m we had a lunch in buffet style. They have all kinds of Greek specialties, pasta, fish, salads and everything you can think of. There was also number of the amazing cakes and fruits. After lunch we went for our keys. We got a room on the fifth floor with the most beautiful view in the world. From the room we saw directly to the high sea. We were incredibly happy and we started unpacking. Then we put on our swimsuits and went to try the sea. Rest of the day we spent on the beach and by the pools. Well, after that we have a dinner, we played cards and went to sleep.

Karaoke ladies

  O dva dni sme už boli celkom adapovaní na nové prostredie. Dni sme trávili plávaním, oddychovaním, jedením, šnorchlovaním a jednoducho všetkým čo nám robilo radosť. Na druhý deň od nášho príchodu sme išli na stretutie s delegátkou, ktorá nás informovala o službých hotela, ale aj o samotnom ostrove. Ponúkla nám všetky dostupné výlety a my sme si vybrali to čo nás zaujímalo najviac, a teda "Okruh ostrovom".Večer sme sa išli pozrieť do mestských obchodíkov, kde predávali rôzne drobnosi. Mali tam asi naozaj všetko od suvenírov cez bižutériu až po oblečenie a úžasné sladkosti. Ja som si v jednom kúpila oreo zabalené v bielej čokoláde a poviem vám, že je to najlepšia vec na svete! Mňam! Na tretí deň som bola dostatočne oddýchnutá na to aby som začala vymýšľať čo budem robiť. Netrvalo dlho a hneď ma upútal plagát s nápisom "KARAOKE". Bez zbytočného premýšľania som išla sa sestrou, že tam musíme ísť. Ona samozrejme súhlasila a ja už som celý deň myslela na náš večer. Nerozmýšľali sme akú pesničku budeme spievať, nám to totiž bolo jasné: "I want to break free" od Queenu!! Ako inak? Veď to je v podstate naša hymna. Keď ubehol deň a prišiel náš večer, sadli sme si priamo pred javisko, kde ku nám prišla animátorka s papierikom, na ktorý sme mali napísať ako sa voláme a čo ideme spievať. Ako sa blížilo naše vystúpenie, sestra začínala byť nervózna no ja som sa už nevedela dočkať. Povedala, že ide pre drinky. V momente keď stála pred barom sa na stene objavil nápis našej piesne, a preto musela rýchlo utekať aby sme mohli predviesť čo v nás je. Začali sa úvodné slová a už vtedy sme sa cítili ako rockové hviezdy. Za nami sa ozývali diváci, ktorí s nadšením spievali a my sme si to naplno užívali. V strede piesne bola však nepríjemná pauza, ktorá bola príliž dlhá a my sme sa začínali cítiť trápne. Napokon sme dospievali a vychutnali si náš potlesk. Bola to skutočná zábava!

   In two days we have been completely adapted on new enviroment. We spent our days by swimming, breathing, eating, snorkeling and simply said - by everything that we enjoy. On the second day of our arrival we went on meeting with our delegate, who informed us about hotel services, as well as about island itself. She offered us all the tours and we chose the one that we liked the most- "Around the island" . In the evening we went to see the city shops which sell various trifle. They were about really everything from souvenirs through jewelery to clothing and amazing sweets. I have to buy one Oreo wrapped in white chocolate and I have to tell you that it's the best thing in the world! Yummy! On the third day of enough relax I started think up what I would do. I was amazed by a poster that says "Karaoke". Without undue thinking I went to my sister, and said her "There we go." She of course agreed, and I have my whole day thinking about our evening. We didn´t think what song we will sing, in fact it was clear: "I Want To Break Free" by Queen !! After all, this is basically our anthem. When the day has passed and our evening came, we sat right in front of the stage, where an animator came to us with a piece of paper on which we had to write our names and what we're going to sing. Our performance was about to start and my sister started to get nervous but I already can´t wait. She said that she is going to get some drinks. As soon as she stood outside a bar, on the wall appeared the name of our song, and therefore had to flee quickly so we can show what is in us. They began the introductory words, and even then we felt like rock stars. For us echoed viewers who enthusiastically sang and we enjoyed it fully. In the middle of the song, however, it was uncomfortable pause, which was returned too long and we were beginning to feel embarrassed. Finally we finished our performance and enjoyed it well. It was a real fun!

Výlet do hlavného mesta

  Na ďalší deň sa trochu ochladilo a tak sme sa pri kávičkovaní rozhodli,že si urobíme menší výlet do hlavného mesta Kerkyra. Mali sme čo robiť aby sme sa stihli vychystať a prísť ku autobusovej zastávke, ale autobus aj tak meškal asi pol hodinu. Cesta trvala zhruba trištvrte hodinu. Autobusár nás vyložil na stanici a odtiaľ sme ešte 15 minút išli peši do centra. Centrum sa začínalo rôznymi obchodmi a značkovými butikmi, dokonca tam bola aj SEPHORA! Dala som si predsavzatie, že cestou naspäť tam musím nakuknúť. Dostali sme sa ku krásnej výhliadke, s výhľadom na starú pevnosť. Ako sme si robili fotky, tak sme sa rozhodli, že by sme ju aj mohli navštíviť. Cesta nám trvala len pár minút a onedlho sme si už kupovali vstupenky na pevnosť. Užívali sme si výstup hore a obdivovali sme historické pamiatky Grécka. Bolo zaujímavé vidieť ako žili Gréci v minulosti. Fotky sme si robili už popri výstupe, no keď sme vyšli až na samý vrchol pevnosti. Wau! To bola nádhera! Na ten výhľad niky nezabudnem. Z vrchu bolo videť okolie hlavného mesta, ktoré obklopovalo šíre more. Museli by ste tam byť aby ste si vedeli predstaviť tú nádheru. Dole nižšie sú fotky z pevnosti. Keď sme si všetko dôkladne poobzerali a vyfotili, vrátili sme sa dole, kde sme sa išli naobedovať, kde inde než do Mcdonaldu. Potom sme už len pochodili po obchodoch (samozrejme,že som bola v SEPHORE), a išli naspäť do hotela. Bol to nádherný deň plný kultúry a histórie a som rada, že sme navštívili toto hlavné mesto.

Trip to capital

  On the next day, it was a little bit colder. After café we decided that we will have a little trip to the capital Kerkyra. We had to prepare and managed to come to the bus stop, but the bus still delayed about half an hour. The journey lasted about three quarters of an hour. Bus driver has driven out at the station and from there we walked for 15 minutes to the center. The center started with various shops and designer boutiques, there was even the SEPHORA! I put a resolution that on the way back to I have to stop here. We have come to a beautiful view of old fortress. As we were doing pictures, so we decided that we could visit it too. The road took us a few minutes and soon we have already bought entrance  tickets .We enjoyed the climb up and we admired historical monuments of Greece. It was interesting to see how the Greeks lived in the past. Photos we have already done in addition to the exit, but when we went to the very top of the fort. Whoa! It was beautiful! The outlook I´ll never forget. From the top it was seen ambient of the capital, surrounded by high sea. You'd have to be there so you could imagine the beauty. Down below you can find the pictures of the fort. When we all thoroughly looked around and took photos, we returned downstairs, where we went to have lunch. What´s better than McDonald's? Then we were just walking around (of course, that I was at SEPHORA), and went back to the hotel. It was a wonderful day full of culture and history and I am glad that we visited this capital city.

Ranný beh, ping-pongový turnaj a milk-shake

  Dni pomaly plynuli a my sme si vychutnávali každý deň na ostrove. Keď mi po niekoľkých dňoch oddychu začal chýbať pohyb, poprosila som ocina aby si išiel so mnou zabehať. Zobudil ma skoro ráno a bolo dosť namáhavé vstať, ale stálo to zato. Bežali sme na ľavú stranu od hotela. Keďže ocino na tejto strane ešte nebehal, nevedeli sme presne kde a kedy skončíme, ale išli sme ďalej. Cesta nebola nijak zaukímava, iba staré obchody a hotely. Čo sa mi však páčilo, bol ten ranný kľud a atmosféra. Všade bolo cítiť pokoj, slnko práve vychádzalo a z diaľky bolo počuť more. Na hotel sme sa vrátili asi po polhodine behu, pretože sme zistili, že ten okruh je dosť malý. Na hoteli som sa napila vody a čakala kým sa zobudí zvyšok rodiny. Mala som zo seba dobrý pocit a zvyšok dňa som sa cítila veľmi uvoľnene.
  Druhý deň som síce nebola behať ale šport mi opäť nechýbal. Ako zvyčajne sme sa naraňajkovali. išli sme hrať karty a potom sme išli na lehátka. Klasický deň na dovolenke. Až na to, že o malú chvíľu za nami prišiel animátor, ktorého som obzerala od nášho príchodu. Bol absolútne úžasný. Prišiel k nášmu lehátku a spýtal sa, či sa nechceme zapojiť do ping-pongového turnaju. ÁNO! Ja som mala v hlave rozhodnuté. Potrebovala som len ďalšieho človeka, ktorý by so mnou išiel. Samozrejme, že sestra! Prehovárala som ju hodnú chvíľu, pred zmeteným animátorom no keď videla moje odhodlane nakoniec súhlasila. Síce celý čas šomrala, ale ja som bola spokojná. Veď čo také hrozné sa môže stať. Keď sme tam však o pätnásť minút prišli začala som  mať väčšie obavy ako sestra. Veď mne ping-pong nikdy nešiel! Rozmýšľala som  čo budem robiť, keď animátor oznamoval našich spoluhráčov. Ja som dostala chlapca mladšieho odo mňa a sestra staršiu ženu.  Ako prvá išla sestra. Aj napriek môjmu povzbudzovaniu prehrala proti premotivovanej žene, ktorá tento turnaj brala príliž vážne. Po nej som išla na rad ja. Hra bola v pohode. Dokonca som mala aj publikum, ktoré mi držalo palce ( určite to bolo kvôli mojej neschopnosti hrať) a hoci som prehrala na konci hry sa na mňa môj animátor usmial a v podstate som už nič viac nepotrebovala. So sestrou sme to vnímali pozitívne, zabavili sme sa a to bolo to najhlavnejšie.
  Poobede sme si išli sadnúť na kávu. Mamina si dala frappé, sestra vanilkový a ja jahodový milkshake! Aaaaaaaa! Teraz ako to píšem som naň dostala chuť. Robila nám ho naša obľúbená barmanka, ktorá v tom bola naozaj majsterka. Ľudia ak niekedy navštívite tento hotel určite si ho dajte. Stál síce 2,50€ ale bol naozaj perfektný. Proste mňamka!

Morning run, a ping-pong tournament and milkshake

The days passed slowly and we enjoyed every day on the island. After the few days of rest I started miss movement. I asked my daddy if I may come jogging with him. He woke me up early in the morning and it was quite tiring to get up, but it was worth it. We ran to the left side of the hotel. Since daddy didn´t run on this side, we didn´t know exactly where and when it will end, but we went further. Path was interesting not only because of old shops and hotels. What I liked the most was the morning calm and the atmosphere. Everywhere it was felt peace, just based on sun and from a distance you could hear the sea. We returned after about half an hour, because we find that this part is quite small. At the hotel, I drank the water and waited when rest of my family will wake up. I felt good about myself and the rest of the day I felt very relaxed.
The other day I was not running but sport didn´t missing. As usual we had a breakfast, play cards and then we went on deck chairs. Classic day on vacation. For a little while, came animator that I was intrested in from our arrival. He was absolutely amazing. He came to our table and asked if we do not want to join in a ping-pong tournament. YES! I had decided in my head. I needed only another person who would go with me. Of course, the sister! I coaxing her into for few minutes before swept animator but when she saw my determination she finally agreed. Although she grumbled all the time, but I was satisfied. When we were there, however, it last about fifteen minutes I began to have a greater concern as my sis. I can NOT play a table tennis ! I wondered what I would do when animator announced our teammates. I've got a younger boy and sister an elderly woman. The first went sister. Despite my fostering  she lose against woman who took the tournament too seriously. Afterwards It was my turn. The game was fine. I even had the audience who have kept me in (surely it was due to my inability to play), and although I lost the game, my animator smiled at me and basically I didn´t need nothing more. My sister and me got it positively.
 In the afternoon we went to sit down for coffee. Mom put her frappé, sister and me, vanilla strawberry milkshake! Aaaaaaaa! Now, as I write, I'll get a taste. It did it our favorite bartender, who was the real champion. If you ever visit this hotel be sure to meet her. It cost € 2.50 and it was really perfect. Just yummy!

Okruh ostrovom

  Konečne prišiel piatok a my sme išli na náš dlhoočakávaný výlet. Vstali sme skoro ráno aby sme videli nádherný východ slnka. Pozerať sa na neho bolo naozaj čarovné, išiel z neho neskutočný pokoj a energia. Potom sme išli na raňajky, dali sme si kávu (teda ja nie) , pozrela som si nové video od Bethany Mota a išli sme na autobusovú zastávku. Cestou sme sa ešte zastavili pri jednom hoteli pre ostatných účastníkov a pre českú delegátku. Našou prvou zastávkou bolo letné sídlo rakúskej cisárovnej Alžbety Bavorskej. Bol pomenovaný podľa antického boha Achillea, pretože Sissi (ako bola nazývaná) bola veľkou milovníčkou starogréckej antickej kultúry a vzdelanosti. Pred hlavným vchodom do zámku sa nachádza socha cisárovnej. Vnútri na prízemí bola modlitebňa, jedáleň, fajčiarska miestnosť a prijímacia sála. Na prvom poschodí boli izby cisárovnej. Interiér bol naozaj krásny. Nachádzali sa tam aj šperky cisárovnej, rôzne antické sochy, obrazy a iné historické predmety. Prehliadka bol veľmi náučná a veľa sme sa o Sissi dozvedeli.V okolí zámku je nádherná zámocká záhrada s ďalšími sochami. Určite vám odporúčam navštíviť toto nádherné miesto.
  Ďalšou zastávkou bol likérka, ktorej meno presne neviem. Mohli sme tam ochutnať tradičné špeciality ostrova Corfu vyrobené najmä z kumquatu (miniatúrne pomaranče), likéry a olivový olej. Celá táto návšteva likérky pôsobila veľmi príjemne, pretože sme mohli priamo ochutnať klasické grécke pochúťky, ktoré u nás doma nie sú bežné. 
  Potom sme išli do kaviarne vedľa letiska s najkratšou pristávacou dráhou. Sledovali sme pristávajúce a odlietajúce lietadlá priamo vedľa nás. Urobili sme fotky, dali sme si zmrzlinu a išli naspäť do autobusu.
 Dvojhodinovú prestávku sme mali na pláži pri nádhernej zátoke v tvare srdce - Paleokastritsa. Býva označovaná aj za najkrajšiu oblasť ostrova Korfu. My sme bohužiaľ boli len na tej pláži, kde bolo síce nádherné, čisté more, ale ľudí tam bolo neskutočne veľa. Najviac sa mi páčilo šnorchlovanie, ktoré bolo vďaka číremu moru rozprávkové. Plávala som medzi množstvom rôznych druhov rybyčiek. Potom sme sa už len prezliekli a išli k autobusu.
 Po našej prestávke sme išli do mužského kláštora Panny Márie kde nám dali ďalšie vrstvy oblečenia ,pretože v kláštore by ľudia nemali byť príliš odhalení. Vnútri sme navštívili kostolík Zoodochu Pigis. V areáli boli nádherné kvety a cítili sme sa veľmi príjemne.
  Pred nami bola naša predposledná zastávka. Delegátka nás upozornila na adrenalínovú jazdu pomedzi tesné uličky. NAOZAJ tesné uličky. Od stien domov nás delili len milimetre. Obyvatelia majú veľké problémy s otváraním okien v týchto uličkách. Hneď čo sme to prešli sme zatlieskali vodičovi, ktorý je zrejme zvyknutý na takéto situácie. Zastal pri útulnej kaviarni s nádherným výhľadom.Rodičia nám objednali nápoje (ja som  si dala vynikajúce frappé). Sadli sme si na pohodlné stoličky a vychutnávali čarovnú scenériu ostrova. Samozrejme, že sme medzitým urobili milión fotiek aby sme mohli dlho spomínať na tú nádheru, ktorú sme práve zažívali. Keď sme dopili  naše nápoje, museli sme ísť späť do autobusu, ktorý nás zaviedol do obchodu so suvenírmi. Mali tu ozaj všetko. Najviac sa mi na ňom páčilo, že tu mali množstvo kozmetiky, ktorú si zákazníci mohli aj vyskúšať. Po riadnom nákupe sme do autobusu nasadli navoňaní a nabalení.
 Tým sa skončil náš nádherný výlet. Myslím, že spomedzi všetkých ponúkaných výletov sme si vybrali práve ten najlepší, pretože sme dostali veľa nových poznatkov, zažili veľa zážitkov a odniesli si kráse spomienky z ostrova.

Around the island

  Friday finally came and we went on our long-awaited trip. We got up early in the morning to see a beautiful sunrise. Looking on that was really magical, it brought surreal peace and energy. Then we went to breakfast, we have coffee (me not), I was looking the newest video from Bethany Mota and after we went to the bus stop. Along the way, we stopped at one hotel to the other trip-participants and the Czech delegate. Our first stop was the summer residence of the Austrian Empress Elisabeth of Bavaria. It was named after the ancient god Achillea. and Sissi (as she was called) was a great lover of ancient Greek ancient culture and education. The main entrance to the castle is a statue of the empress. Inside, the ground floor was the chapel, dining room, smoking room and a reception hall. On the first floor rooms were the Empress. The interior was really nice. We found there the Empress´ jewelry, various ancient sculptures, paintings and other historical objects. The tour was very educational and we got many information about Sissi. There also was a beautiful castle garden with the various statues. Definitely I recommend you to visit this beautiful place.
  Next stop was the liquor factory, which name I do not know exactly. We could taste traditional specialties of the island of Corfu made from kumquat (miniature oranges), various liqueurs and olive oil. All this distillery worked very nice because we could directly taste traditional Greek delicacies, which are not common in Slovakia.
  Then we went to the cafe next to the airport with the shortest runway. We watched the landing and departing planes right next to us. We made pictures, we put some ice cream and went back to the bus.
After that we have a two-hour break on the beach in a beautiful bay in the shape of hearts - Paleokastritsa. Tt is known as the most beautiful area of ​​Corfu. Unfortunately we were only on the beach, where it was indeed wonderful, clean sea, but there was incredibly many people. I liked the snorkeling, which was fabulous because of the clear sea. I was swimming among many different types of fish. Then we have just dressed up and went to the bus.
 After our break we went to the monasteries of the Virgin Mary where we were obliged to dress up to their traditional suits  because in the monastery, people are not allowed to show their naked body parts. Inside the church we visited Zoodochou Pigis. In the area were wonderful flowers and we felt very comfortable.
  Before us was our penultimate stop. Delegate attented us on an adrenaline ride between the tight streets. There were really tight aisles. From house walls and our bus side was only a millimeter. Residents have great difficulty with opening windows in these streets. As soon as we passed, we applauded driver who is obviously accustomed to such situations. He stopped at a cozy café with a beautiful výhľadom. We ordered drinks (I put an excellent frappé). We sat on comfortable chairs and enjoyed the magical scenery of the island. Of course in the meantime, we have made a million pictures that we could remember the beauty that we have just experienced. When we had finished our drinks, we had to go back to the bus that led us to the gift shop. We can find there almost everything. What I liked the most, was that there were number of cosmetics that customers could also try. After proper purchase, we boarded the bus - bundled up and parfumed.
This is how our wonderful trip ended. I think that of all offered trips we have chosen the best because we got a lot of new knowledge, experienced many adventures and took amazing memories of the island.

 Najväčší cyklisti

  Pred nami boli už iba dva dni na ostrove a my sme rozmýšľali ako ich využiť. Keďže ocino je rád stále v pohybe, párkrát počas nášho pobytu si požičal bicykel a išiel bližšie spoznávať ostrov. Keď sa vrátil stále nám porozprával čo nového zažil a kde všade bol. Tentokrát sa rozhodol, že zoberie aj nás na miesto, ktoré sa mu veľmi páčilo. Bola to pláž ISSOS. Všetci okrem maminky, ktorá si chcela užiť posledné dni oddychu sme sa pripravili a nasadli na požičané bicykle. Zo začiatku ma vystrašil namáhavý kopec, no keď sme ho prešli čakala nás už rovná cesta bez zbytočného pádlovania. Bol to úžasný zážitok. Užívala som si ju najviac ako sa dalo a po celý čas som vnímala prírodu okolo seba. So sestrou sme skonštatovali, že hoci aj táto príroda má svoje čaro naše Slovensko je aj tak krajšie. Po trištvrte hodine jazdy sme sa konečne dostali do nášho cieľa. Aby sme sa dostali ku pláži museli sme vystúpiť z bicykla, pretože piesok nám zabránil v jazde. Prvý pohľad na pláž bol priam neuveriteľný. Možno to vyzerá, že v tomto článku často všetko zveličujem, ale je to preto, lebo miesta, ktoré som videla mi skutočne vyrazili dych. Bola som presvedčená, že som sa ocitla v raji. Krásne, číre, svetlé more, hladký piesok, málo ľudí, žiadne stromy, nič čo by kazilo dojem z tejto nádhernej pláže. Keď som vstúpila do mora, stále som tomu nemohla uveriť. Ešte nikdy som nevidela také more aké bolo na tejto pláži. Strávili sme v ňom asi hodinu. Plávali sme, šnorchlovali a užívali si nielen krásu pláže ale aj ticho, ktoré tam bolo. Ešte pred odchodom sme si urobili malý "photoshooting" pri piesočnatej skale a potom sme už museli ísť naspäť. Výlet k tejto pláži ma utvrdil v tom, že sa na tento ostrov ešte musím vrátiť.

  Všetky moje očakávania z ostrova sa naplnili, ba aj prekročili. Ak rozmýšľate, ktoré miesto v budúcnosti navštíviť, určite si nájdite čas aj na Korfu. Je to veľmi pekný ostrov, s množstvom pekných miest, na ktorých sa dá veľa spoznať a zažiť <3.

The greatest cyclists

  There were the last two days before us on the island and we we were thinking how to spent them. Because my daddy is always on the move, a couple of times during our stay, he rented a bicycle and went further explore the island. When he came back, he was always talking us what new he could saw and experieced. He decided to take us to the place that he enjoyed the most. It was Issos Beach. All of us three - my dad, sister and me, except my mom who wanted to enjoy the last days by sunbathing, we borrowed a bike. From the beginning, gruelling hill was really scaring, but when we achieved the top, there was only straight road without undue paddling. It was an amazing experience. I enjoyed it most as I could and all the time I was enjoying the nature around me. My sister and me found out that although the local nature has its own charm, in our homeland Slovakia it is more charming. After three quarters of an hour of driving, we finally got to our destination. In order to get to the beach we had to get off the bicycle, because the sand prevented us from driving. First look at the beach was almost unbelievable. Maybe it looks like I'm exaggerating, but it is because the places I saw I really blew off our minds. I was convinced that I found myself in paradise. Beautiful, clear, bright sea, sand smooth, few people, no trees, nothing that spoiled the impression of this beautiful beach. When I entered the sea, I still can not believe it. I've never seen more as well as that on the beach. We spent about an hour in it. We were swimming, snorkeling and enjoying not only beautiful beach but also the silence that was there. Before leaving we made a little "photoshoot" on the sandy rocks and then we had to go back. A trip to the beach has persuaded me that one time I should return back there on this island.

  All my expectations were fulfilled from the island, and even exceeded. If you are thinking about which country visit in the future, be sure to take the time and visit Corfu. It is a very nice island, with lots of nice places, where one can learn many new things and got a lot of experience <3.
