Posledné dni v škole

 Nebudem sem písať omáčky typu "ani neviem ako a už je koniec" alebo "ubehlo to hrozne rýchlo", pretože to tak nie je :-D Aspoň ja to tak necítim.
Osobne si myslím, že prázdniny potreboval každý z nás ako soľ a ani pre jedného z nás - prvákov - to nebolo jednoduché. Niekedy som mala pocit, že to ide neskutočne pomaly a tento školský rok sa nikdy neskončí. Ale predsa som sa dočkala. Nemyslite si, že svoju novú školu neznášam, jednoducho to bola len obrovská zmena v mojom živote, na ktorú som si ťažko zvykala. Po roku som sa však "adaptovala" na nové podmienky a už viac nie som taká deprimovaná ako v prvých mesiacoch. Spoznala som množstvo ľudí, s ktorými spoločne prežívame všetky nástrahy gymnázia spolu aj s naším perfektným triednym profesorom Gúgľavom.

Last days of shool

I´m not going to write sentences like "It passed so fast" or "How it happened so fast?" because it doesn´t :-D At least I do not feel this way. Personally, I think the holiday needs each of us so much and even for one of us - freshmen - it was not easy. Sometimes I felt that it goes incredibly slowly, and this school year will never end. But luckily it´s july which means holiday started and I have not to study for next 2 months. Don´t think that I hate my new school, it was just simply a huge change in my life for which I had a hard time getting used to. However, after a year, I have "adapted" to the new conditions and I am no longer so depressed as in the first months. I met many people with whom we live together all the pitfalls of high school together also with our perfect homeroom professor Gúgľava.

  Po namáhavom školskom roku sme sa vybrali rovno na 2 výlety. V piatok sme išli na chatu do Kováčovej. Išli sme tam vlakom takže si viete predstaviť, akí spotení sme v tej horúčave došli na chatu, ku ktorej sme ešte museli šliapať pešo po lese. Pri chatke sme čakali asi pol hodinu na pani, ktorá nám ju prišla otvoriť a odovzdať na 3 dni. 
  Keď sme si vyložili všetky veci, začali sme chystať guľáš. Celý zvyšný deň sme sa rozprávali, smiali a neskôr večer sme sa malá skupinka ľudí rozhodli ísť na pizzu. Samozrejme, že sme sa vybrali príliš neskoro a už bola zatvorená. Nakoniec sme sa uskromnili s kofolou. Po príchode sme boli ešte dlho, dlho hore, pretože sme nevedeli zaspať, zvlášť pri pomyslení na všetok ten hmyz, ktorý tam bol.

  After an exhausting school year, we went on two trips. On Friday we went to the cottage in Kováčová. We went there by train in great heat so you can imagine how sweatly we were when we arrived to the cottage, to which we still had to tread on foot through the woods. At the cottage we waited about half an hour to a lady who came to open it to us and submit to three days.
   When we unpacked all the things we started to prepare goulash. The entire remaining day we talked, laughed, and later in the evening we - a small group of people - decided to go for pizza. Of course, we came here too late and it was closed. Afterall, we were modest with Kofola. When we arrived to the cottage we were still a long, long time up because we could not fall asleep, especially when thinking of all the insects that were here.

   Druhý deň sme strávili na kúpalisku, kde sme sa skvele zabavili. Na obed som mala moje obľúbené "kúpaliskové" jedlo - langoš so smotanou a syrom. Večer sme išli celá trieda na toľko vytúženú pizzu. Po nej sme išli do neďalekej krčmy pozerať futbal. Bol to skutočne dobrý čas. Potom sa však zopár bláznivých spolužiakov na čele s triednym rozhodlo aby sme išli na prechádzku do lesa. Nebolo by na tom nič zvláštne keby to nebolo o jedenástej v noci. Samozrejme, že tu vždy bola možnosť ostať na chate, ale povedala som si, že žijeme len raz tak teda prečo nie. Poviem pravdu, že viac ako všetkých tých hororových scenárov a nadprirodzených bytostí, o ktorých všetci rozprávali som sa bála hmyzu, ktorý na mňa číhal zo všetkých strán. Cítila som zuby, ktoré sa ma snažia pohrýzť a nevedela som sa dočkať, kedy konečne budem na chate, hoci tam bol tiež.

  The second day we spent at the swimming pool, where we had a great fun. For lunch I had my favorite "pool" food - "langoš" with cream and cheese. In the evening, whole class went to so much coveted pizza. Afterwards we went to a nearby pub to watch football. It was a really good time. Then, a few crazy classmates led by the homeroom teacher decided to go for a walk in the woods. There would be nothing strange if it weren´t at eleven at night. Of course, there always was the possibility to stay at the cottage, but I told myself that we live only once so why not. I tell the truth, that over all these horror scenarios and supernatural beings which everyone was talking about I was afraid of insects, which appeared to me from all sides. I felt how their teeth try to bite me and I couldn´t wait when I´ll finally come the cottage, although they were also there.

  Tretí deň bol môj narodeninový, a keďže som ho strávila na chate, prvé gratulácie som dostala už hneď o polnoci. Hoci som mala narodeniny, necítila som sa nijako špeciálne a celý deň som strávila upratovaním chaty so svojimi spolužiakmi. Nakoniec sme išli domov, kde ma už čakala rodina, slávnostná večera a darčeky :-)

  The third day was my birthday, and since I spent it at the cottage, first congratulations I have got right at midnight. Although I had a birthday, I felt nothing special, and I spent all day cleaning the cottage with my classmates. When I finally came home my family, dinner and gifts were alredy waiting for me :-)


 Na druhý výlet sme išli v utorok. Rozhodli sme sa navštíviť Banskú Bystricu a v nej ako inak nákupné centrum :-D Niektorí spolužiaci sa išli poprechádzať po meste spolu s triednym, ale ja aj so svojimi kamarátkami sme sa rozhodli pre nákupnú horúčku. Prvú vec, ktorú som si kúpila bola zmrzlina :-D To by nebola Teress, keby si nekúpila fantastickú zmrzlinu. Keď som ju dojedla začali sme s nákupmi. Po dlhom rozhodovaní som si napokon kúpila tielko v H&M, ktoré na mne ešte určite budete vidieť. Keď bol čas na obed išli sme do McDonalds, kde sme sa stretli viacerí spolužiaci a dali sme si úžasné dobroty. Potom som si ešte kúpila náušnice (opäť v H&M), potúlali sme sa v kníhkupectve a čakali na vlak v krásnej kaviarni. Cesta bola zábavná, plná smiechu a domov som prišla s úsmevom na tvári. 

  Takto 1.C strávila posledné dni školy <3

  On the second trip we went on Tuesday. We decided to visit Banská Bystrica and in it, what else then shoppiny mall :-D Some classmates went to take a walk through the city together with the classroom teacher, but me and my friends, decided to go on a shopping spree. The first thing I bought was ice- cream :-D It would not be Teress if she didn´t  buy a fantastic ice cream. When I finished eating we started with purchases. After a long decision I finally bought a shirt at H&M, which you will definitely see on me. When it was time for lunch we went to McDonalds, where we met some classmates and ordered a delicious goodies. Then I bought earrings (again in H&M), spent some time in bookstore and waited for the train in a lovely cafe. The road was fun, full of laugh and afterall I came home with a smile on my face.

   That´s how 1.C spent the last days of school <3
