Ako sa to všetko začalo / OCD story


Už od malička som bola veľmi šťastné dieťa, ktoré malo všetko, čo dieťa má mať. Skvelú rodinu a najlepšiu kamarátku, ktorá bývala (stále býva) o dva poschodia nižšie než ja. Celé dni sme trávili na dvore pred našim činžiakom, kde sme sa hrávali aj s ostatnými deťmi zo susedstva a domov sme prišli len na obed a večer. Nepotrebovala som hračky, ktoré by vyplnili môj voľný čas, pretože moja fantázia bola oveľa záživnejšia než všetky hračky na svete. Doma som mala lásku, ktorá je najväčším darom, ktoré si dieťa môže želať. Moje detstvo bolo dokonalé. No hoci som bola napohľad bezstarostné malé dievčatko, v mojej mysli sa neustále šírili obavy a úzkosť. Samozrejme, vtedy to nebolo také badateľné a sama som si neuvedomovala, že to v budúcnosti vyústi do niečoho oveľa väčšieho. Jednoducho som to brala ako súčasť môjho života.

     Starosti som mala najmä o rodinu. Vždy, keď niekto odišiel, hoci len na krátky čas, pociťovala som obrovský strach. Strašne som sa bála, že sa osobe, na ktorej mi záleží, niečo stane. Keď bol niekto z rodiny mimo nášho domova, neustále som bola v strehu a nebola som kľudná, kým sme všetci neboli doma. Postupne to narastalo do väčších rozmerov. Rodičov som sa vždy pýtala, kde, s kým a na ako dlho idú preč. Keď sestra, ktorá študovala v inom meste nedvíhala telefón, chcela som volať na políciu. A stredy! Och, ako som len neznášala stredy. V tieto dni, totiž ocino už pravidelne niekoľko rokov chodí hrávať volejbal s kamarátmi a po hre si idú sadnúť na pivo. Bola som schopná mu zavolať aj päťkrát, len aby som sa presvedčila, že je v poriadku a v noci som chodievala skontrolovať jeho posteľ, či už sa nevrátil, a ak náhodou ešte nebol doma, nemohla som spať kým neprišiel. Obmedzovalo to nielen mojich blízkych, ale aj mňa. S vekom sa môj strach zmenil. Už som sa viac nepotrebovala neustále uisťovať, či je moja rodina v poriadku, ale vždy som musela mať istotu, že je všetko presne tak, ako má byť. Každý večer som si ukladala plyšákov na rovnaké miesto a kým neboli tak ako majú byť, nemohla som zaspať. Dokonca, aj keď som už bola väčšia a začalo ma to otravovať, nemohla som sa tohto zvyku vzdať. Jednoducho, všetko muselo mať svoje miesto. Mala som presne stanovenú formulku na dobrú noc, ktorú som musela povedať každému členovi mojej rodiny, každý jeden večer pred spaním. Keď niekto odchádzal z bytu, vždy som musela za nimi zatvoriť dvere ja, napočítať do troch a znova ich otvoriť a zakývať im. Ak by som to totiž neurobila, mohlo by sa im niečo stať... a to som predsa nemohla riskovať. Všetky tieto rituály boli pre mňa normálne a nikto tomu neprikladal veľkú váhu. Jednoducho sa stali súčasťou našej rodiny a každý to rešpektoval. Nikto ale netušil, že v skutočnosti sú to príznaky, ktoré sa dostavili, až keď som mala 13 rokov.

     Bola som ôsmačka a moja puberta bola práve na vrchole. Začala som pociťovať všetko dvojnásobne a vonkajšie prostredie na mňa vplývalo viac ako kedykoľvek predtým. Cítila som, že mi nikto nerozumie a nechápe ma. Zažívala som prvé sklamania a nevedela som, čo mám robiť. Takto som prežila prvé štyri mesiace ôsmeho ročníka. Začal sa nový rok a ja som sa tešila, že môžem začať odznova. Ja a moje kamarátky sme dostali možnosť zúčastniť sa lyžiarskeho kurzu so siedmakmi a po dlhej dobe som sa konečne na niečo tešila. Všetko sa akoby dostávalo do normálu a ja som bola konečne šťastná. Toto nadšenie však netrvalo dlho.

     Prešlo pár týždňov nového roka, kedy sa to všetko spustilo a rozpútalo sa to, čo je súčasťou môjho života až dodnes. V škole sa začali šíriť fotky polonahých dievčat z môjho okolia a ja som zrazu pocítila, akí vedia byť ľudia zlí. Každý nerobil nič iné, len tieto dievčatá rozoberal, ohováral a riešil. V takom veku, je veľmi ľahké, zobrať si reči druhých k srdcu, pretože je to obdobie, kedy sme citliví a zraniteľní. No a ja som začala mať stavy. Stavy, ktoré sú už priamym prejavom obsedantno-kompulzívnej poruchy. Jednoducho som začala mať obavy, že sa niekde objavia aj moje fotky takéhoto charakteru. A, no, možno by táto obava bola vcelku normálna, keby som takéto fotky niekedy urobila (a možno urobila, len si to nepamätám - áno, toto je tá najviac fucked up stránka tejto poruchy - môžete si byť akokoľvek istí, že ste to nespravili, aj tak veríte svojej vymyslenej predstave), no nikde nebol najmenší dôkaz o existencii, takýchto fotiek. Možno si práve hovoríte, „Ak si z toho mala strach, tak asi si to musela urobiť,“ ale o tom je celá táto choroba. Bojíte sa vecí, ktoré ste neurobili, ale pomyslenie na ne je pre vás tak hrozivé, že vaša myseľ začne okamžite pracovať. Celý tlak, ktorý sa šíril v mojom prostredí, praskol do poruchy, ktorá vo mne narastala od detstva. Nedokázala som na nič iné myslieť. Odrazu bol môj svet zaplavený obavami, ktoré nemali žiadny reálny základ. Na nič som sa nedokázala sústrediť, neustále som kontrolovala, či sa niekde tieto fotky nenachádzajú, hľadala som pod každou jednou stoličkou, na ktorú som si sadla, za každým jedným stolom, za ktorým som jedla, za každým, keď som odniekadiaľ odchádzala, musela som všetko skontrolovať, lebo čo ak. Bola som stratená. Bola som stratená vo svojej vlastnej hlave. Absolútne som tomu nechápala a nevedela som, čo mám robiť. Čo mám povedať rodičom? Mami, bojím sa, že niekto nájde moje nahé fotky, ktoré neexistujú? V tom čase som samozrejme netušila, že existuje niečo ako OCD a vôbec som si nevedela predstaviť, čo sa to so mnou deje. Takto som prežila celé leto. Na jeseň som si povedala, že takto nemôžem ďalej žiť a snažila som sa s tým bojovať sama, ako som len vedela. Zo začiatku to bolo v pohode, no koncom roka sa to všetko opäť vrátilo. Tentokrát však enormne. Už som sa viac nebála len fotiek, ale vyslovene všetkého. Všetko som musela miliónkrát opakovať, len aby som sa uistila, že sa nestane niečo zlé, že ja som nespravila niečo zlé. Prišlo to do stavu, kedy som to už jednoducho musela povedať rodičom. V deň pred Silvestrom, som im s plačom všetko vyrozprávala a hoci tiež nevedeli čo mi je, boli veľmi vnímaví a snažili sa mi pomôcť. Mamka mi sľúbila, že hneď po prázdninách so mnou pôjde k psychologičke. Nasledovalo naozaj veľmi ťažké obdobie. Obdobie, v ktorom som prestávala veriť, že sa to zlepší. Strácala som nádej a myslela som si, že takáto už budem celý život. Nemohla som sa sústrediť, nemohla som chodiť vonku, nemohla som robiť, čo ma baví. Okrem toho, že som musela chodiť do školy, som bola prakticky zavretá doma vo svojej izbe na sedačke, alebo v posteli

     Takto to všetko začalo. Za 5 rokov, čo bojujem s touto chorobou, som sa už naučila jednotlivé obsesie aj kompulzie ovládať, ale raz za čas sú tu dni, kedy sa všetko vráti do obdobia, kedy sa to celé spustilo a ja mám pocit, že ani nevstanem z postele. V nasledujúcom článku z tejto série, opíšem, čo sa dialo potom, čím všetkým som musela prejsť, aby sme našli psychiatričku, ktorú navštevujem dodnes a ako sa to všetko postupne začalo lepšiť.

     Snáď som vám dostatočne priblížila, ako to zhruba vyzerá u človeka diagnostikovaného s OCD. Existuje viacero typov OCD a u každého sa prejavujú inak. Pokiaľ máte pocit, že ste sa v niečom našli, alebo zažívate podobné obdobie a neviete, čo sa s vami deje, nebojte sa. Bola som tam. No nič vám nepomôže viac ako rozhovor s osobou, ktorej dôverujete. Ak však nemáte nikoho na koho sa obrátiť, existujú rôzne centrá a linky, na ktoré môžete zavolať, alebo anonymne napísať a oni vám radi pomôžu. Nezabudnite, že každý má právo na to byť šťastný a hoci sa niekedy zdá, že už nikdy sa veci nezlepšia, nič netrvá večne, rovnako ako zlé obdobie. Nezabudnite, že bez dažďa by neboli žiadne kvety :)

     Since I was little, I have been a very happy kid, who had everything a child should have. Amazing family, best friend who lived (still live) two floors below me. We spent whole days outside in the playground in front of our block of flats where we played with other kids from our neighborhood and we came home only for lunch and when the sun was setting. I didn't need toys which would fill my free time because my fantasy was much more vibrant than all the toys in the world. At home, I had love, which is the biggest gift that a child can ask for. My childhood was perfect. But althought I was worriless child on the outside, there were constant fears and anxiety spreading in my mind. Of course, it wasn't so obvious at the time and I myself wasn't realising that it would result into something much more intense in the future. Simply, I was just taking it as a part of my life.

     I was especially worried about my family. Every time somene left, even for a short time, I felt a huge fear. I was terribly scared that something bad would happened to the person I cared about. When some member of our family was out of our flat, I was constantly alert and I couldn't get calm until they arrived. Gradually, it was getting worse and worse. I was always asking my parents where, with whom and for how long they will be gone. When sister who was studying in different city didn't answer the phone, I wanted to call the police. And Wednesdays! Oh, how I hated Wednesdays. These days my dad has been going to play voleyball with friends for a few years now and after the game they always go to have a bear. I was able to call him five times, just to make sure he was okay and I went to check his bed at night, whether he was back, and if he wasn't home yet, I couldn't sleep until he came. It restricted not only my loved ones, but also me. My fear has changed with age. I no longer needed to make sure that my family was all right, but I always had to be sure that everything was exactly as it should be. Every night I put stuffed animals in the same place, and I couldn't fall asleep until they weren't where they should. Even when I was older and it started bothering me, I couldn't give up on that habit. Simply, everything had to have its place. I had a well-defined formula for a good night that I had to tell it every member of my family every single night before sleep. When someone left the flat, I always had to close the door behind them, count into three, then open the door again and finally wave them. If I didn't do that, something could happen to them... and I couldn't risk it. All these rituals were normal to me, and nobody was taking it too seriously. But no one knew that these were symptoms witch only showed up when I was 13 years old.

     I was in eighth grade and my puberty reached the highest peak. I started to feel everything twice and the environment had more impact on me than ever. I felt like nobody really understood me. I was experiencing the first disappointments and I didn't know what to do. This is how I survived the first four months of the eighth grade. A new year started and I was looking forward to a fresh start. Me and my friends got the opportunity to take a ski course again with students of seventh grade and after a long time I was finally looking forward to something. Everything seemed to get to normal and I was finally happy. However, this enthusiasm didn't last long. 
     It's been only few weeks of the New Year when it's all started and what is part of my life to this day. Photos of half-naked girls started to spread around my school. At this age, it is very easy to take gossips to heart and everyone did nothing but defamed and dish dirt about this girls. An I started to have like really bad mental states. States which are primary symptomsof obsessive-compulsive disorder. Simply, I just started to have worries that somehow my photos of this kind would appear somewhere. An well, maybe these worries would make sense if I ever took this kind of photos (and maybe did, just don't remember… yup, this is the most fucked up side of this disorder, no matter how sure you are that you didn't do it, you still believe your made-up thought), but there was no even slightest proof of existence of such photos. And now you are maybe thinking,” If you were afraid of that, you had to do it,” but that is all this disorder is about. You are afraid of things you didn't do, but just the thought on that is so horrible for you, that your mind start immediately working. All the pressure that was spreading around my environment burst into a disorder that has been growing in me since childhood. I couldn't think of anything else. Suddenly, my world was swamped with fears that had no real basis. I couldn't concentrate on anything, I kept checking everything whether there were any of these photos, I was looking under every single chair I sat on, behind every single table I was eating behind, when I was leaving from somewhere I had to checked everything because what if. I was lost. I was lost in my own head. I absolutely didn't understand and I didn't know what to do. What do I tell my parents? Mom, I'm afraid someone will find my nude photos that don't exist? Of course, at the time, I had no idea that there was something like OCD and I couldn't imagine what was happening to me. This is how I survived the whole summer. In the autumn, I said to myself that I can't live this way anymore and tried to fight it by myself. It was fine at the beginning, but it all came back at the end of the year. This time, however, enormously. I was no longer afraid of naked photos, but of all things. I had to repeat everything a million times, just to make sure that nothing bad happened, that I didn't do anything bad. It came to a state where I simply had to tell my parents. On the day before New Year's Eve, I told them everything with tears in my eyes and although they didn't know what was wrong with me neither, they were very understanding and they tried to help me. Mum promised me to go to the psychologist right after the holiday with me. It was really a very difficult period of life. The period in which I stopped believing it would improve. I was losing hope and I thought that I would be like this for the rest of my life. I couldn't concentrate, I couldn't go out, I couldn't do what I enjoyed. Besides having to go to school, I 
was practically locked in my own room on sofa or in bed.

      That's how it all started. Over the 5 years I have been struggling with this disorder, I have already learned how to regulate certain obsessions and compulsions but once in a while there are days when everything goes back where it started and I can't even get out of my bed. In the following article from this series, I will describe what was happening after, what I had to go through to find a psychiatrist I visit to this day and how it all started to get better.

Hopefully, I have brought you closer to what it looks like in a head of person diagnosed with OCD. There are several types of OCD and each expresses differently to everyone. If you feel like you found yourself in this article or that you are experiencing a similar lifetime and do not know what is happening to you, don't worry. I was there. But nothing will help you more than talk to the person you trust. However, if you do not have anyone to contact, there are different centers and lines that you can call to or anonymously write and they will gladly help you. Remember that everyone has the right to be happy, and although it sometimes seems that things will never get better again, nothing lasts forever, just like a bad time. Remember, no rain, no flowers :)
